As you all know I have been attending college this last semester. I am happy to report that as of last Thursday afternoon I finished my last final exam and am one step closer to my degree. I am also extremely happy to report that I found out today I will be on the Dean's List for the Fall 2011 with a great GPA! My life is going great. I am starting my new life as a married lady, I will finish moving this weekend... get to spend Christmas with my new husband and my great baby boy. I can't wait to put up our Christmas lights on our new house and decorate our Christmas tree together. Then in a short 6 months after Christmas... possibly 5, our Sweet baby boy will arrive into our family. We are so excited. The next couple of months will be so busy, but oh how ready I am for all of the decorating and planning. : )
Merry Christmas Everyone!
I have just read the worst type of article... a co-worker just sent me a link to - the article is about a company ,Snokist Growers of Yakima, Wash, that has been repackaging moldy applesauce and selling it to schools and to baby food producers, all without the common courtesy to inform the companies and consumers buying these products have been "re-worked".
- Picture taken from
This appalls me. The FDA had to issue them a warning letter today... not only because anyone that is eating mold is unsafe... but these are school children and babies who do not have strong immune systems. The article spoke of there being all types of colored mold - green, blue , blue-green, even black mold present in the packages of applesauce that the company would somehow reprocess and market again. Is it not bad enough that "Products recalled earlier this year by Snokist were blamed for illnesses of nine North Carolina children who became sick after eating applesauce at school."? This makes me definitely want to buy a food processor and make all of the products my child and future children consume.. you just cannot trust the safety of products... big corporations are more worried about making money, than about people's safety and health. If I were the parent of a child who had become ill after eating these products, you can bet that there would be a lawsuit filed. Not that money changes anything, but a company willing to do this, needs to feel repercussions of their actions.
If you want to read the original article I read visit